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Item #: AP7260 

Price: $177.20

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With the Discovering the Speed of Sound in Air Kit for physical science and physics, accurately determine the average speed of sound in air. Simple activity is easy to do and yields great results.

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Item# AP7260 AP7259
Type of Kit Classroom Set Individual Kit
Price $177.20 $32.30
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Product Details

Accurately determine the average speed of sound in air with this elegant activity! Striking a tuning fork and holding it over the open end of a tube filled with water, students slowly lift the tube and tuning fork out of the water until they “hear” the resonance. They then measure the length of the tube above the water’s surface, and use this value to calculate the wavelength and speed of sound. Simple activity is easy to do and yields great results—average percent error is less than 2%. Discovering the Speed of Sound in Air kit comes with the necessary tubes and rubber stopper for one group of students, while the classroom set includes enough materials for eight groups of students. Each kit comes complete with student activity sheets, detailed Teacher Notes, and sample data. The experiment requires the use of a tuning fork set ranging from 256 Hz to 512 Hz, which can be shared among student groups. Tuning fork set is sold separately. A support stand and two extension clamps are also needed but not included.


Materials Included in Kit: 
Cellulose acetate butyrate tubing, 1" i.d., 2 feet long, 8
PVC pipe, ½" i.d., 2 feet long, 8
Stopper, solid, size #5, 8

Correlation to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Science & Engineering Practices

Developing and using models
Asking questions and defining problems
Planning and carrying out investigations
Using mathematics and computational thinking

Disciplinary Core Ideas

MS-PS4.A: Wave Properties
HS-PS4.A: Wave Properties

Crosscutting Concepts

Cause and effect
Systems and system models

Performance Expectations

MS-PS4-2: Develop and use a model to describe that waves are reflected, absorbed, or transmitted through various materials.